Feeling Lost on the Path to a Good Life?

Here's Why Your Track Might Look Different

Have you ever wondered...? The answer awaits!

Do you ever feel like you're putting in the effort to live a good life, but things just don't seem to go your way? You're not alone. Many people struggle with the disconnect between good intentions and seemingly random outcomes.

This blog post explores the concept of "good deeds" and the hidden factors that influence their results. We'll also delve into the idea of "Specific Gravity" and how the divine might orchestrate events based on individual circumstances.

Good Deeds: Beyond Just the Action

Living a good life involves more than simply doing good things. Vethathiri Maharishi, a spiritual leader, proposes a broader definition: a good deed benefits both yourself and others, nourishing your body and mind.
So, focusing on positive actions, thoughts, and words is a great start. But the impact can be further amplified when these actions consider the well-being of yourself and the world around you.

The Comparison Trap: Why We Get Confused

The feeling of being lost often stems from comparing ourselves to others who do similar good deeds and seemingly achieve better results. We might expect the same outcome, but life rarely works that way.

The divine, according to Vethathiri Maharishi, operates with a deeper understanding. It considers intentions, past actions, and individual circumstances when determining the results of our good deeds.

Just like you and another person are different individuals, the outcomes of your seemingly identical good deeds will also differ.

Specific Gravity: Your Unique Path

Vethathiri Maharishi introduces the concept of "Specific Gravity" – the divine's way of tailoring outcomes based on our actions, location, and timing. Imagine the divine as a supercomputer with unparalleled intelligence, meticulously orchestrating events for maximum benefit.

So, what does this mean for you?

Accept the Results: Let go of the need for immediate gratification. Embrace the results of your good deeds and learn from them.

Focus on the Process: View setbacks as opportunities for growth, just like the plant's pruned branches.

Stay on Your Track: Don't get lured into changing course based on external comparisons. The divine has assigned you a unique path, and following it will lead to fulfillment.

Confusion is Natural, But We Can Overcome It


Feeling confused is a normal part of life ("Thadumatra" in Tamil). However, constantly "changing tracks" ("Thadam Maatram") can hinder progress.

The key is to acknowledge the confusion but stay committed to your path. There are resources and people to help you navigate these moments of uncertainty.

Time to turn the page

The results you desire will come in due time, aligned with your actions and requests.Keep doing good deeds, cultivate the right mindset with practices like meditation, and trust the divine plan.

Note: Start cultivating your right Mindset by Doing some Parctices ! Join us on this journey of SKYYOGA. Your success and peace await. Kundalini Yoga and embrace spiritual growth. Visit our site or reach out to us via WhatsApp for further inquiries.


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